5708 N Sharon Amity Road, Suite 5708-A Charlotte, NC 28215

What Are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are nifty devices that are designed to fill the space of a missing tooth. Space retainers for kids are especially effective in perfecting otherwise flawed smiles, and with their custom fit, you can rest assured that they’ll deliver optimal results. In addition to filling spaces, these retainers also keep primary teeth in place. With that said, this dental treatment protects the structure of your smile as permanent teeth develop.

Is Your Child A Candidate?

Pediatric teeth retainers are beneficial for numerous reasons, but it’s ultimately up to to you and your pediatric dentist to decide if they’re right for your child. If your child has experienced any of the following, they might qualify for space maintainers.

  • Lost a tooth too early
  • Had a tooth extracted prematurely to prevent decay
  • Damaged a tooth before the permanent tooth was ready

Benefits Of Pediatric Teeth Retainers

As more parents are exploring this form of dental care, they’re uncovering the many benefits of space retainers. When you opt for pediatric teeth retainers, you gain access to the following perks.

  • Minimizes need for braces
  • No pain or discomfort involved
  • Promotes proper formation of permanent teeth
  • Keeps teeth in their proper position

Local Dentist For Kids

As a trusted pediatric dentist, we offer safe, reliable dental options that are highly sought-after. When you make us your local dentist for kids, you’re promised personalized solutions that guarantee satisfactory results. To learn more about space retainers and their benefits, speak with one of our experts today.